The Need for Solitude

Photo #419: SolitudeLocation Taken: Saskatchewan, Canada
Time Taken: June 2010

I’m all peopled out today.

And right now you’re either nodding knowingly or completely baffled right now.

Most likely the second one.

After all, extroverts are far more common than introverts.

I, however, am an introvert. That means I take joy in being alone, and being with people drains me. Extroverts are the opposite, and of course there’s all sorts of permutations in between.

It’s not that I dislike people, mind you. I just prefer to spend my time away from them. They’re tiring, and they distract me from the long deep thoughts I have. It literally takes effort for me to consider talking to someone. Some people I talk to easily, others drain me really quickly.

Today, I’m peopled out. I’ve got a few social things I do each week, and at the end of this one, well, everyone was chatting away, four or five different conversations all going at once. And they started seeping in. And blurring together. And feeding off of each other.

You know how songs can get stuck in your head? Imagine that type of noise, except it’s a blurred mess of words that don’t quite make sense whirling away in your brain, digging deeper and deeper the longer you listen.

So I had to leave. I had to just get out and get away from people and the noise they create. I need peace and quiet and solitude.

A few hours of that will patch me back together, and I’ll be ready to face the world and the people that live in it again. But for now, I shall be a hermit.

It’s very pleasant, being a hermit.


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