A Blocky Temple to The Art of Getting Lost

Photo #424: Minecraft TempleTime Taken: May 2013

This isn’t what I typically think of as my art. I mean, it’s a video game screenshot!

But the video game is Minecraft, and the joy of the game is what you make of it.

In this case, what I made was this building.

It’s a Greek-inspired temple-like thing, I think. I was definitely going off the Greek architectural cues, though with my own quirks. It was definitely interesting trying to figure out how to do a 30° angle in a world of right angles. But that was the look I wanted, so I played around until that was the look I got.

And well, I like how it turned out enough to actually consider it a piece of art rather than just something fun I built in a game.

What you see is only the surface to this place, too.

Inside is a very difficult three-dimensional maze, topped with a hedge maze.

Photo #425: Minecraft Hedge MazeTime Taken: May 2013

That was the seed of the idea that lead to me building this, the maze. Another person on the server built a much smaller maze, which I got through in a minute. So I decided to go all out and make a maze that would challenge even my legendary sense of direction.

I succeeded. I tested my maze to make sure it was possible to get through, and I got turned around about halfway through. Spent about twenty minutes trying to figure out the right way to get through. And I had literally just built the durn thing.

If you have a Minecraft account and want to try it out for yourself, the server I’m playing on is open to the public. The details are available at the server’s website.

Me, I’m going to go and build something else.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, that odd dome structure in the back, yeah, I built that too. It’s fun free-handing curves in this game.  I didn’t build the paths in between, though.  Those are part of the PlotMe plugin on the server that adds a creative mode area to a survival mode server, so I didn’t have to gather all those blocks myself.  I mostly play in the survival mode, but every so often it’s fun to go into a full creative mindset.


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