A Tiny Little Plant, barely Four Inches Tall…

Photo #427: Tiny FlowerLocation Taken: Powder River Pass, Wyoming
Time Taken: June 2008

Did you know I have specific photo categories to post on specific days? It’s not so much for the reader’s benefit as it is for my benefit. It narrows down the options to a manageable level, so I’m not overwhelmed by them and can pick a photo quicker, and it makes sure each week has a nice variety.

Today, for instance, I’m to post a Close-Up photo, one where I put the camera really close to the subject to capture the fine details. This usually means flowers, because they’re one of the most common things that are really pretty when you shove your face in them.

Wait, I posted a flower photo yesterday, didn’t I?

Darn it! I knew my brain was largely non-functional due to the heat, but still!


Here, have a photo of a really tiny flower! It’s even MORE Close-Up than yesterday’s Close-Up photo!

It’s a rather pretty one, too. Far more decorative than I’d have expected for an alpine flower, where every extra day warm enough for growth is precious beyond belief, and resources have to be allocated carefully. But then, that may be why it’s so tiny. It’s investing its energy in showing off for the pollinators rather than an extra centimeter or two of leaves.

It’s a pretty smart little flower, really.

…It’s really bad when you start to feel like a plant is smarter than you are, isn’t it…


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