A Panda-rific Time! Which means sitting around eating bamboo, I guess.

Photo #433: Panda PandaLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010



Ok, so maybe I don’t really get the panda-mania that much. I mean, sure, it’s solidly in the “cute animals” side of things, and sure, the fact that an animal that comes from omnivorous roots now eats only one plant period is kinda interesting, but you know, there’s a lot of other fantastic animals out there.

Like sharks! I like sharks! They’re REALLY nifty, much more fascinating than pandas! Did you know that most shark species have to keep moving at all times to keep water flowing over their gills, but nurse sharks can pump water through their mouth to keep breathing while stationary?! Did you know some shark species give birth to live young while others lay eggs?! Did you know the goblin shark lives in very high pressures and can actually snap its jaw forward to ambush prey swimming by?! Did you know there’s a shark called the Tasseled Wobbegong that looks a whole lot like a fancy fringed carpet?!

Aren’t sharks FAR more interesting than the pampered prudes that are pandas?!

Hug a shark today!

Well, ok, not literally. It might eat you, unless it’s a whale shark. Those are filter-feeders, just like whales!


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