What is this green thing and what is it doing in my ocean?

Photo #459: Octopus LeekTime Drawn: June 2013 (Today!)
Medium: Digital

As I was falling asleep at, oh, 9 am this morning, my brain was wandering in its usual strange paths, and I was struck with the urge to draw an octopus.

But it could be JUST an octopus, no! That would just not do!

So I started running through the possibilities as I feel asleep. Teddy bear? Nah, I’d have to either draw it soaking wet or inaccurate to the setting and neither appealed. Toy truck? Cute, but trucks are really complex, even toy ones. A scuba diver doll? Hmm… Maybe…

And then I woke up at 9:30 pm. For the first half hour I dithered, trying to figure out if there was enough time to draw my octopus before I needed to post it.

And that’s when I decided to just take the crazy Japanese tactic and draw it with a leek.

Makes perfect sense.

So, with two hours before the deadline, I opened up MyPaint and started sketching. And coloring. And tossing in a quick background. I was done in 45 minutes.

Though “done” is relative. The lines are very sketchy and not really as clear as I like in some places, and I only used at most two colors for shading. At least the brush I prefer using lets me vary the tint of the color to produce a lot more variation than normal. I also had to tweak the heck out of the colors after I was finished to get them close to where I actually wanted them, rather than being careful with my color choices from the get-go.  And the octopus only has seven arms showing now that I count them, rather than the eight I thought I’d drawn.  Ah well, the last one is hiding behind the head, obviously.  Obviously.

But still. Octopus. Leek. All is right with the world. Or at least the leek-bearing octopi part of it.


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