There’s three dogs by my Mother, and Maggie’s the only one that can sit up there.

Photo #466: Little MaggieLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: May 2011

I’ve had three days of heavy science and philosophy. Plus I’ve listened to all of the Freakanomics radio archives, am listening to Star Talk Radio, AND am reading a book called Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology. My brain feels like it’s been on overdrive lately.

Which means time for a cute PUPPY PICTURE!!!!

This is my mother, at her mother’s place, with the local dog. Her name’s Maggie, and she’s the most cuddly of all the Miniature Schnauzers my grandparents have owned. She especially likes my Mom, since Mom helped with her early training when Maggie was just a little fluffball. And she’s small enough to fit on the couch arms when my mom’s sitting there crocheting and watching TV.


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