The Queen at Rest

Photo #468: Content QueenLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: December 2006

A few more years back, and other dogs show up in the pictures. This is Abby, the miniature schnauzer my Grandparents had before Maggie. In her natural habitat.

By which I of course mean sitting by the large window-door, watching for deer to bark at. Her favorite toy, a wolf slipper, is right next to her, ready for any play fighting that needs to be done. There aren’t even any of the visiting dogs bothering her at the moment, so she’s queen of the house once more.

And my goodness can we get a lot of visiting dogs when the various families come a visiting. There’s the local schnauzer, at this time Abby, and now Maggie. My set has two dogs, both medium-sized. My cousin has a feisty little Llasa Apso who lost an eye in a fight and is downright proud of it. And his parents have a Newfoundland, which if you don’t know, is a dog large enough that you start considering riding it. They’re usually all female, too, with Revel the one and only exception that I can remember. Admittedly, he’s probably more effeminate than the rest of them put together, but hey…

The queen is always my Grandparent’s schnauzer, though, and has been for all three of them I can remember. She’s always the smallest in size, but largest in attitude, and she knows that it’s her territory. The rest come and go, but this, this is her land.

And her deer to bark at.

And her wolf slipper to drag around.


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