Can you even see the lighthouse at the end of the road?

Photo #474: Lighthouse CliffsLocation Taken: St. John’s, Newfoundland
Time Taken: July 2012

I love places where the bones of the earth stick through to the air, proud rocks showing strong in the sunlight.

It requires a hard rock, one that doesn’t weather away too easily, and it requires the vegetation to be kept small, so it doesn’t hide the stone.

In other words, it has to be either too arid or too cold for the trees to grow tall. This is the latter, and my preferred of the two. Here, the plants are strong and green, providing a fantastic cover for the cliffs along the sea.

The grass keeps the rocks from wearing away quickly in the frequent rains, and the cliffs protect the harbor from the storms that bring the rains. And the small lighthouse stands strong to show the ships in, barely visible against the grandeur of the stones.


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