It’s amazing what people can overlook and forget about.

Photo #477: Mill FrontLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2012

I saw an odd thing when walking back from the Savage Mill (pictured above) today.

There was a plastic bottle of Salad Topping just sitting there. Well, Salad Toppins, to be exact. Just a container of mixed seeds and crunchy bits, two thirds full.

It was sitting on a curb, just hanging out, with no one (aside from me) nearby.

It wasn’t even a curb by the large grassy areas, where I could perhaps believe it was left accidentally after a picnic in the summer sun. It was right by a staircase up a steep slope, a decent distance from where anyone regularly hangs out.

My first thought was it might be full of birdseed, since there were some little brown finches puttering around near it, but nope, just regular Salad Toppins.

I haven’t the slightest clue why anyone even brought a container of Salad Toppins to a fancy shopping center like the Mill. I have even fewer ideas why it was left behind, and in such a peculiar spot.

I do wonder how many people passed it by without ever noticing that something so odd was by their feet.


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