Problems always come in clumps, don’t they… Or is it just that more things seem like problems then…

Photo #480: Gathering CloudsLocation Taken: Alberta, Canada
Time Taken: June 2010

I’m in a grouchy mood because of a bad League of Legends game. Freaking Brand bursting down my tank Shen in two seconds…

AND the price of the item I’ve been selling on the Guild Wars 2 trading post for large amounts of money fell by a whole silver! A silver! Do you know how much money that is?!?

Well, no, probably not. These are just video games, after all. And you probably don’t play them, or at least not both of them, so it’s all just gobbly-gook to you.

But that doesn’t make my mood any sweeter, especially since that bad League of Legends game lasted longer than I expected and I’m going to have to cheat time in order to make this appear like it was posted on the 14th. I just want to keep my calendar looking nice, ya know.

So to go with my stormy mood, have a gathering storm over the Canadian Prairie.

And my site isn’t connecting properly for me to upload this, throwing out a “the connection has timed out” error. It took me an hour to find a way to connect just to get this post up, working via a proxy. And I’m too cranky and hungry to find a full fix right now. Hopefully it’s not affecting too many of my readers, and hopefully the problem will just go away on its own, and most of all, hopefully this method works…


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