It’s too hot to think of a title… Um, Lake Ice Field, um, Thingy?

Photo #482: Lake Ice FieldLocation Taken: Caseville, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

The weather’s been far too hot lately, and I’ve been trying a whole bunch of things to keep cool. Well, at least I have been if I have the energy to do it in the first place, which is why I haven’t, say, gone swimming.

Let’s try staring at a photo of ice for a while…

Nope, not any cooler. Darn it.

At least the ice is pretty. Lake Huron, being a freshwater lake in a northern climate, freezes by the shore every so often. The ice can go out hundreds of feet from the coastline, and is usually solid enough to walk on when it’s out that far. So there’s been a few times when I’ve gone walking on the lake, like you do.

This photo was taken when I was on the ice, looking down the shoreline, for perspective. That line of taller ice mounds on the edge of the ice marks the edge of the solid ice. Past that the lake is a bit deeper, with the remnants of summer’s heat still keeping it too warm to fully freeze. Small icebergs form, and a slushy layer of ice as well, and both get shoved by the waves into those mounds.

Ah, talking about ice is working on cooling me down a little.

Or maybe it’s just that it’s a few hours past sunset, and the weather is actually cooling. Huh…


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