The Curve of our Planet (isn’t quite this strong)

Photo #491: Tilted BirdsLocation Taken: Eastern Washington
Time Taken: October 2012

AAAAAHHH! The world is tilting! Quick, grab onto something, or you’ll just roll forever!

Or maybe I just took the photo at an odd angle, one of the two.

Now, some of it is natural. There was a slope to the horizon from mountains fading into foothills. And the vegetation is tipped as well, from the strong breezes coming off of the mountains. But I still put in about a 5 degree tilt on the photo. Maybe I was being tipped by the wind as well…

There were birds in the bushes in front, at least a hundred of them. The air was filled with the sound of chirping. And yet, they blended in, so not a one is visible in this photo.

There was a small dish partly filled with water tucked under the largest bush. I suspect someone wanted the birds to come near this small rest area off of I-90 through the dry scrub of eastern Washington state. It was a lonely little part of the world, sparsely populated, filled with the large expanses of cattle farms. And well, the enthusiastic vividity of the birds was catching. I was smiling for a while afterwards, as we drove further on.


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