Why are hidden treasures so tough to get in to see?

Photo #512: Rough MountainsLocation Taken: Eastern Washington
Time Taken: October 2012

There are some places that are simultaneously very difficult and very easy to take photos of.

There are long stretches of highway that wind through beautifully rough terrain with miles and miles between exits. If you’re bold, perhaps you could stop at the side of the road, but people frown on such things unless you have no other options. And perhaps you could just take the next exit and work your way back, but that assumes there are even other roads going near the fabulous rocks and whatnot that caught your eye. Rough terrain, full of heart-stoppingly beautiful mountains, also tends to be full of heart-stoppingly difficult paths, and well, if it’s too tough, no one’s going to build a road there. The highway claims the pass, and the mountains that surround it are left alone.

And yet, if you’re not the one driving, all you have to do to preserve the scene is be quick with the camera. There’s nothing stopping you from taking photos on the go, after all. But well, you do have to hope the windshield is at least somewhat clean and the motion blur isn’t too bad. And you only have a few chances at the photo, so you’d best get it right quickly. And, of course, you can’t exactly pick the ideal angle and composition.

It’s almost enough to make me take up hiking, just to get into some of these places.


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