We’re living in the moment, unheedful of the future, forgetful of the past…

Photo #530: Truro GullsLocation Taken: Truro, Nova Scotia
Time Taken: July 2012

…Ok, this overly-hot weekend has definitely fried my brain. I had a nice blog concept about the history of ice harvesting, with a photo chosen and everything. And then I started the necessary fact-checking research and forgot what all I wanted to say there.

So have a lovely picture of the Salmon River and one of the large beaches along its shores during low tide. There’s even some happy sea gulls pecking through the sands. They better move fast, though. That wave coming up the river behind them is a tidal bore and this beach is going to be underwater in minutes. Seriously, this whole stretch of sand was covered really quickly and all.  It was quite impressive to watch.

And that was a really boring paragraph compared to my usual style, I think.  I can’t really tell any more.

…And I went from an ice photo to a water photo. It’s not just my brain that’s melting, I guess…


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