It’s like there’s a fence between me and my goals some days…

Photo #548: Stymied OstrichLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010

Siiigh. Some weeks the fates just conspire against me.

First there was that sun exposure headache a few days ago that wiped out some of my plans on Wednesday (not very detailed plans, or very plan-like plans, but still).

Then Thursday, I usually have a lovely Pathfinder game at the local game store, but there was a localized blackout that forced them to shut down for the night, so the game was canceled. It must have been a VERY localized blackout, since I live only two blocks from the game store, and my power was just fine.

And today, I had an ear infection. I get those fairly often, sadly enough. My ear is much better at letting in water than it is at letting it out again, so well, one inadvertent dousing in the shower is enough to clog my ear for a day or so, and has at least a fifty percent chance of triggering a minor ear infection a few days later. The water just sits there, trapped in whatever little corner it found, providing a lovely breeding ground for bacteria. I notice it when I get an ache in the head and a spreading radial pain that loves going down the tendons in my neck. With a bit of thought, I can localize the pain to the inner reaches of the ear, and I do have a rather nice ear drop bottle that’s quite effective at paring down the pain to just the infected spot itself. But it still takes an awful lot of energy for my body to clear out the infection, which at least it gets promptly onto doing once the pain gets localized down. In less than a day, the pain will stop and business as usual will resume.

It’s fairly noticeable when the infection finally clears. All of a sudden, I feel like I should get around to all the stuff I’d been putting off due to lack of energy. Alas, I can’t make up for lost time. I’d been planning to make up a batch of delicious pasties so I could have them for lunch at work, but that takes at least one hour to prepare and another to cook or so.  And well, it was pretty late in the day when the infection cleared. Guess I’ll just have to continue buying my lunch for another week.

At least I did get my laundry done. That was the one thing I absolutely had to do today.

I’m bad at these chore things, I really am…


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