Yes, those are tiny boats in the lake, not dirt specks on your screen. Really.

Photo #556: Tiny BoatsLocation Taken: North Bay, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

I’ve held off on posting this photo since I’ve posted one of its sister photos before. That is, a photo taken of the same subject at the same time. But then, if one sister photo turns out great, the rest will be at the least passable, since lighting and subject being photographed are a significant part of the success of a piece.

Still, it feels awkward posting two images that are very similar too close together.

So, where is the sister photo… Ah, found it!

Let’s see, how long ago was it… Post number 4, eh. And this is post number 556.

I think enough time has passed for me to show off this one.

Besides, this photo has more differences from its sister than I remembered. The obvious one is that you can see more than just the branches of the tree. The other is that the horde of tiny boats in this one is missing in the earlier photo.

I don’t know what those ten or so boats were all doing out in the same area of the lake. Maybe fishing or something. They were specks at best, even in real life. And I don’t do boats. Or fishing. Lakes are nice though.


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