Apparently I can’t draw when I have only one brain cell. So sad, so sad.

Photo #571: Random PersonTime Drawn: November 2006

Man, I had a great idea for a post today.

I’d draw a quick picture of a taco, and then say:

“Guess what I had for dinner?!”

“Baby artichokes with ginger and cranberries with bison meat served with white rice, of course!”

(That actually is what I had for dinner, mind you. It was rather tasty. I love knowing how to cook.)

“What, no one guessed it right? Most of you guessed ‘taco’ instead?! That’s odd…”

“Wait, it’s the picture I posted, isn’t it? Now why would I ever pair an image with a post, that’s just crazy talk…”

Alas, I went to try to make that picture of a taco and my brain went “nope, no art for you, I make random scribbles instead!” and yeah, let’s just say I’m not planning on sharing that piece of “artwork”.

So have a random picture I drew a while ago of some random person in front of some even more random stuff.

Pretend it’s what I planned all along, if you’d be so kind.


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