Tracks in the Sand, Traces of Others who came Before

Photo #580: Tracks In The SandLocation Taken: Trout River, Newfoundland
Time Taken: July 2012

I wonder whose footsteps those are…

They’re not mine, mind you. At least, I don’t recall dipping my toes at this beach. Not even my fingers! And that doesn’t look like the sort of tracks I tend to leave, anyway.

I have in other beaches, mind you. It’s fun just feeling the water, even if you don’t plan to go swimming. It sort of brings a deeper connection with whatever water is in front of you, knowing how cold it is and how it feels against the skin.

Admittedly, with most of the beaches I visit, the testing of the waters is quickly followed by a desire NOT to swim in them, for they’re far too cold for it to be a pleasant experience. It’s really too bad, since northern beaches tend to be quite lovely…

But still I test the waters, and somehow just seeing these tracks in the sand, of another doing just the same thing, makes me feel like there’s a kindred spirit out there. It’s oddly nice, knowing others share your quirks.


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