A Look at a Past Example of my Soul

Photo #585: Self 2006Time Drawn: 2006

Throughout high school and college, I had a habit of drawing a self portrait every year. It was mainly because I wanted to see how my art was improving, but hey, what’s wrong with some healthy narcissism?

…I haven’t made another self portrait in years, now that I think of it. I had a serious (aka years-long) bout of artist’s block that kinda got in the way. At least I took up digital photography during that time, so I wasn’t living an art deprived life.

This one I made to include some elements representing my personality. There’s the Japanese gate in the back, since I like Japanese culture. There’s a gnome under that tree, since I like fantasy. It’s snowy because I like winter. And so on.

The outfit I have on here is largely made up. I’ve never owned a purple shirt like that, and that beaded necklace doesn’t exit. Though I could make it if I so chose. It’s a feasible design, and I like beading as well.

…That’s another thing I haven’t done in ages, beading. I haven’t even shown off any of my beadwork here. But then, that’s mainly because I don’t have anything even vaguely resembling a good workspace for beading, and pulling out my supplies takes forever…

The blue coat, on the other hand, that actually existed. It was a simple coat I made, came down to about knee level. Used to wear it a lot in the fall and spring. I haven’t thought about it in years, but I used to love that coat.

…I wonder what happened to it. It probably wore out in some fashion or another, since that’s usually what it takes for me to stop wearing a piece of clothing. Maybe I should make another one along the same lines at some point…


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