Early Morning Light is Beautiful – and a great reminder to go to bed!

Photo #592: Early LightLocation Taken: Agawa Bay, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

Darn it, I think I’m allergic to this gum I picked up. I’ve got an allergen headache going quite nicely, and everything else I ate today was stuff I’ve had lots of times before…

At least my allergies are all of the headache type. That’s a lot easier to deal with than the hives or nausea or trouble breathing that others get. It’s solidly in the non-fatal camp, for one thing. Well, aside from the “wish I was dead” migraines, but hey, I’ve only gotten that once!

Most of my allergies are food based, and well, the best way for me to tell I’m allergic is for the headache to start up about one to two hours after I had whatever it was. The headache’s always in the same spot, a diffuse tension-style headache right below the hairline. This lets me tell it apart from other causes, at least. The ear infection headaches tend to be a deep throbbing straight in from the ear. And the muscle tension headaches tend to spread out from where the neck muscles attach at the back of the skull.

…I know far too much about headaches. I really do…

At least I don’t get nausea, and only rarely get sound sensitivity (usually with the ear infections, for obvious reasons). But I do get a touch of light sensitivity, so I’m keeping the lights down right now. Which, mind you, was really easy to do, since I almost never even turn them on. But still, dim lights and dim photos are very pleasant right now.


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