The Joys of Giant Rocks, or, maybe I should have gone into geology rather than art…

Photo #601: Giant RockLocation Taken: Banff, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010

I want a giant rock…

Well, I at least want to sit on a giant rock. Maybe climb it too. Maybe I should go on some sort of road trip. I’d do that right now, but it’s 1:42 in the morning and it’s a wee bit dark out there. I knew being nocturnal had a downside…

It’s amazing how many of my earliest memories involve rocks. Well, rocks and dirt. But then, I grew up in areas without too many good rocks around, so I had to make do with dirt.

There’s the time when my family lived in Marquette, Michigan. I was very young at the time, but I still remember the large rock in the park behind our house. Well, at least I remember it being large, but I was rather small at the time and such things are a wee bit relative. I definitely remember loving to climb that thing, though.

There’s also the time my Mom took my sister and I to the Gettysburg Battlefield. She was homeschooling the two of us at the time, and part of what she did was take us to all sorts of awesome historical sites. There’s nothing quite like being at a place to make the history that happened there feel real. I only vaguely recall the place itself, except for the really awesome Devil’s Den rock formation. It’s named that because it’s a, shall we say, unholy mess of rocks. And a great place to run around and hide and what not, if you’re a rock-loving kid.

And then there’s the Great Serpent Mound in southern Ohio. Again, a historical site my mom brought my sister and me to, so we could learn about the mound-building culture that lived in that area hundreds of years ago. It’s a thousand-foot-long human-made mound of earth in the shape of a serpent, winding through the trees. And well, I found that awesome to climb on as well. I’m so respectful of history, don’t you agree?

I also really liked digging in the dirt in our backyard, carving out water channels and small caves and what not. Then I’d put my dolls in the caves and pretend it was their house. I have such high ideals for housing too.

That and awesome parents who tossed me outside to play and took me to awesome places when I was a kid. I definitely have those.

But I don’t have a giant rock.


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