The Ruins of a Spotless Mind. And a Brick Building. Same Thing, really.

Photo #604: RuinsLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2012

Sometimes it just feels like my memory’s falling apart. I mean, I realized just the other day that I have yet to deposit my final paycheck for the Renn Fest work! It’s been more than two weeks since I got it, you’d think at some point I’d have thought “hey, I can get more money if I just wander over to that place and hand them this piece of paper!” but no, it’s still just hanging out in my purse waiting for me to be functional during the hours banks are actually open.

It’d be a lot easier being nocturnal if more places were open 24 hours a day. Or at least for more than eight hours a day that happen to coincide perfectly with the hours you are asleep…

I picked up a whole slew of memory issues as part of the nervous breakdown I had at the end of college. I think it’s supposed to be a defense mechanism. After all, you can’t stress yourself into another breakdown if you can’t even remember what you’re supposed to be stressing about. So things like “apply for jobs!” and “pay your bills” and “be an adult” just kinda slip through the cracks without notice, leaving me happily unaware. At least until the creditors start calling asking for money you don’t have, but hey…

It doesn’t help that I don’t truly believe in money. It’s one of those collective figments of imagination we’ve developed, like political borders and societal codes. And well, my brain puts little value in making that number in my bank account go up, since it’s so difficult to do compared to all the other fictional currencies I mess around with. I keep trying to think of ways to apply the money-making skills I’ve learned from games to the real world, but haven’t gotten very far. Something about having to actually interact with other people so they give me some pieces of paper that they claim will increase my high score – I mean, my bank account balance. If it was possible to make money with absolutely no interaction with anyone else, I’d be all over that!

Well, if I could remember to keep up with it, that is.


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