A Fantastic View of a River right out of a Fantasy Novel

Photo #606: Fantastic ViewLocation Taken: Columbia River, Washington side
Time Taken: June 2008

It’s been a long time since I’ve been somewhere I can stand up high and look down at the scenery below. I think the last time was at Yellowstone National Park, more than a year ago.

…I really haven’t gone many places this last year. Been trying to save money and what not. No wonder I’m starting to get a touch of wanderlust again…

Still, even with some of the stiff competition of beautiful places I’ve been (my Mom has a real talent for finding the best scenic spots), the Columbia River gorge definitely wins for best river view. And I’ve been in some rather lovely places along the Mississippi, Ohio, Fraser, and a host of other magnificent rivers scattered across the continent.

…It doesn’t help that I’m centered on the East Coast. There’s some pretty stuff here, and we do have a mountain range, but it’s either heavily forested or heavily populated. And the mountains are ancient, worn down into smooth curves over the eons. It doesn’t make for the best panoramic views, unless you’re one for cities. And well, I’m not a city girl at all.

It’s no wonder the vast majority of my photos are of places far from my home. That’s where the fantastic views are…


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