A Lonely Bench on a Lonely Beach

Photo #614: Lonely BenchLocation Taken: Frankfort, Michigan
Time Taken: May 2011

It was such a lovely day when I took this photo, and yet, no one was at the beach, not even sitting on the benches enjoying the view.

Maybe because it was May, and Lake Michigan is still bitterly cold at that time of year. You can go swimming if you want, but only for about ten minutes a day before the icicles start forming.

Maybe because thanks to the cold water, tourist season hadn’t started up, and the only ones in town were locals, relatives of locals, and the few out-of-season tourists. I do recommend that tactic, by the way. Far fewer people around, and you get your pick of places. On the other hand, the ice cream stores aren’t open yet, and local seasonally open ice cream stores serve the BEST soft-serve. So I guess it’s a wash.

And maybe, just maybe, there’s no one enjoying the view because of the fog that’s completely blanketed the beach. Well, except for me. I was there enjoying the view, since I love fog. But then, even I left this bench all on its lonesome, choosing instead to wander around taking more photos.


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