Fronds of Grass… Frond is a fun word. Frond frond frond frond!

Photo #615: Lovely Dry GrassLocation Taken: Caseville, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

Is there anything lovelier than dry grass in the snow?

That delicate fluff, the interplay of all those shades of brown, all against the bright white snow for that perfect contrast. Truly a marvel of nature.

Yes, yes, I know there’s tons of things lovelier, such as blooming alpine meadows, waterfalls, a perfect sunset, and so on, but that was a rhetorical question!

I think it’s Maiden Grass based on the shape of the plant, but I’m really not at all sure about that. I’ve never been the best at plant identification in the first place, and for some odd reason all the plant sites put photos of the plants when they’re nice and green, rather than dry and brown.


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