A Bucketful of Snow and Shows

Photo #642: Snow BucketLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

It was a lovely Christmas.

There’s a foot or three of snow outside, and more in the air. Alas, it’s a little too cold for good packing snow, or else I’d go out there and make some sort of, I dunno, snow beast or building or what not.

I got zero presents, though I did open a group present, so at least I got to unwrap something.

The local deer herd was wandering around hunting for stray birdseed dropped by the large flock of blue jays that my Grandma keeps well fed. The dogs were barking at them on and off.

And I’ve spent the day watching Doctor Who. Most of yesterday, too. And it was awesome. I just finished watching the Christmas Special. For the second time today. And it was even more awesome the second time around.

So yeah, lovely Christmas.


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