Repeat after me: Kaaaaaam-Looooooppssss. Kamloops!

Photo #647: Kamloops HillsLocation Taken: near Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Time Taken: June 2010

The area near Kamloops is really quite lovely. It’s a near-desert in western Canada, with so much moisture pulled out of the air going over the Canadian Cascade mountains that there’s a rainforest on one side and a desert on the other. Trees are sparce, rocks are visible, and the scenery is marvelous.

Oh, and there’s a city called Kamloops there. Isn’t that an awesome name?

Kamloops, Kamloops, take me to Kamloops, my dear!

Kamloops is how we English-speakers spell the local word for the area, which means “Meeting of the Waters”. There’s a lot of places names along that same idea, something to do with how useful it is to build settlements where two rivers join up, since you can take part in trade and the like for both rivers easily. But only one of those places is Kamloops.

I love how some words just have an awesome sound. Kamloops, Kamloops, why are you so awesome?


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