A Shimmering Light, A Magical Sight

Photo #648: Rainbow LightsLocation Taken: National Museum of the American Indian, Washington D.C.
Time Taken: October 2009

You know, every so often you just have to stop and appreciate physics.

Today, I’m grateful for the way the electromagnetic spectrum (which includes light) will spread out and form rainbows and other similar color phenomena when it meets some sort of lensing effect.

In other words, I like pretty colors in the sky. And on buildings. And everywhere, for that matter.

I saw a gorgeous example of cloud iridescence today while driving along. The clouds were thin and occasionally spitting out a very fine snow, and the air was very cold. I looked up at one point, and there, along the thin edge of a cloud near the sun (which was hiding behind another cloud), was a rainbow of marvelous pale colors, shimmering in the sky.

It was, of course, beautiful.

If I had packed my camera someplace where I could reach it, and if the windows weren’t filthy with salt and dirt, I might have captured it on film. Or, well, in digital files.

But I couldn’t reach my camera, so I shall just have to remember the beauty by telling you all about it.


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