Faded Faces in the Forest

Photo #651: Forest FacesLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: December 2006

Many years ago, a tree fell in a forest.

To be specific, it fell across a path in the forest my Grandparents own. They use that path regularly, so they removed half the tree, and left the snag and a bit of the trunk behind.

But that did leave rather blatant exposed wood just sitting around being obvious along the path. Two patches of it, even, since the cut was right above a fork in the trunk.

So my Grandmother considered her options, and decided that if it was going to be obvious anyway, it might as well be interestingly obvious. And wouldn’t you know, but she happens to have a couple of artistic granddaughters who were just so happening to visit that summer…

I painted the bottom of the two faces, while my sister made the top one. Both of us worked off of the natural shapes of the exposed trunk, so she went with a red-haired human face while I made a horned blue guy. Because if you’re going to give someone horns, you might as well make him blue too, of course.

This photo was taken a couple of years later, not too long after I started to get into digital photography. The downed tree had picked up a pretty serious case of mushrooms that year, adding some extra interesting texture.

The faces are gone now.


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