The Wind was Still, The Air Cold, The Sun a Glimmer of an Idea…

Photo #652: Cloudy TreeLocation Taken: Valparaiso, Indiana
Time Taken: February 2007

I found this gem of a photo deep in my ancient archives, back before I got my current camera and was using a hand-me-down with very few features.

But it could manage cloudy days just fine. My current camera can’t. If I encounter a day like the one in this photo, where the clouds are barely letting the sun through, creating some really elaborate lighting effects… Well, I just enjoy it and don’t even bother getting out my camera.

Perhaps I should consider getting a new camera sometime. I got my current one, let’s see, when was it…

That’s right. Christmas present, 2007.

…Huh, has it really been six years? No wonder I’m having difficulties with my camera now. There’s some dirt that’s stuck in the lenses that shows up in some of my photos, no doubt caused because the lens cap broke years ago and doesn’t stay on properly.

Ah well, perhaps one day I shall upgrade. Until then, I shall enjoy the world around me, cloudy days and not, and etch the wonder of the world into my brain.


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