The Road to the Field of Knowledge…

Photo #658: Field RoadLocation Taken: Chicago, Illinois
Time Taken: April 2008

The only reason I decided to post this photo was because of how it looks like the road just heads right into the Field Museum back there.

There’s a curve in the road that routes it around the museum, but you really can’t tell that from this photo, can you?

I suspect some of it is perspective playing tricks on us. The Field Museum building is very large, actually larger than it looks in this picture. And thanks to everything lining up right, the perspective makes it look both closer and smaller – and thus right by the road.

This is Lake Shore Drive, by the way, the major road that goes right by the lake in the center of town. This is the part of it by Millennium Park, hence all the trees.

I also seem to have caught the moment right when the light turned green. I don’t think anyone had entered the intersection quite yet. I wonder if that’s where the feeling of imminent motion comes from when I look at the cars in front…


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