At least the tree doesn’t have to worry about dehydration…

Photo #659: River TreeLocation Taken: Ithaca, New York
Time Taken: March 2010

This tree must have fantastically strong roots for its size.

It’s right at the edge of a river, surrounded by hard rock and fragments of said hard rock. And this is an area prone to high amounts of snow. The water must get up and over the base of this tree come Spring thaw.

And yet, despite the difficult terrain and the flooding, it’s still growing strong.

Not particularly large, mind you, and given how many bends that trunk has, it’s seen more than its share of trouble. But it’s still hanging on, away from all the tall trees that would choke out the sunlight from it. It has found its niche, however poor, and is hanging on to it with all its might.

It’s no wonder lone trees are a favorite subject for artists who love symbology. There’s just so much potential there.


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