The Badlands are an awful place to get lost accidentally, but on the other hand…

Photo #662: Badlands GulliesLocation Taken: Badlands National Park, South Dakota
Time Taken: June 2010

You know, I might like Badlands National Park more if I went off the beaten track there.

I’ve only stuck to the main roads (something about only stopping there briefly as part of a long road trip), and those tend to stick to the flatter and more stable areas.

Which, mind you, is the exact opposite of the terrain that named the Badlands.

Perhaps if I wandered through the gullies and ravines, followed the dusty tracks of bison and elk, peered at the dirt up close, then I would understand what makes this place so special.

It can’t just be because the ground was so rough that they didn’t have a clue what else to do with it, after all. And the badland structures do have a lot of fun texture to them. They’re just a lot less interesting when you’re staring at them from afar.


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