Ice Does Not Think. Ice Just IS. I am Ice Right Now.

Photo #668: Ice WaterLocation Taken: Arcadia, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

I think my brain is frozen.

I suspect it might have to do something with the bath I just took, and the fact that we currently don’t have hot water. And the cold water is really cold, because it’s been hanging out right around freezing for a bit, which affects the reservoirs the water’s coming from.

Well, aside from the time it was solidly below freezing. That’s what froze and then burst a pipe heading out of the hot water heater. It can be really irritating to live in a house that’s a hundred years old and acts it. We don’t exactly have anything even vaguely resembling climate control, just a furnace that was giving its all. Which, alas, was not enough.

We’ve had a plumber in. They said there was no way to even begin fixing the pipe without taking up the tile and the like. So it’s still not fixed, nor will likely be in the near future.

Hopefully it won’t take as long to fix as the last time this sort of thing happened. That was when I was a young kid, perhaps seven years old, and the hot water heater itself broke. We hauled water heated on the stove up the stairs to the bathtub for more than a year before everything lined up and things got fixed.

Which, perhaps, is why I’m not heating and hauling water for my baths. I burned myself one too many times doing that.

So I’m just going for pure cold water. And pouring it over my head. Repeatedly.

It is very cold water.

My brain is ice.


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