I’d take local photos, but the East Coast doesn’t have enough cliffs!

Photo #674: Roadside CliffsLocation Taken: South of Thermopolis, Wyoming
Time Taken: November 2012

Wow, has it really been over a year since I took my last road trip? No wonder it keeps seeming like I’m staring at the same photos over and over again. I take the vast majority of my photos on these trips. Heck, I don’t think I’ve taken a photo in months!

Now, I have done some traveling during that time, but that was the standard trips to visit relatives for the holidays. I tend not to take photos of those places anymore. I have enough already. And I’m usually running creativity-drained due to my social phobia running at high levels during such trips.

But a good “let’s see the sights while going from hither to yon” trip? I haven’t done that in far too long. Just not enough money to fund it, I guess.

No wonder I’m getting a bit of wanderlust.


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