Quick, grab your Sword, your Shield, and your Rubber Chicken!

Photo #675: Isolated TowerLocation Taken: Anaconda, Montana
Time Taken: October 2012

Deep in the vast hills of the Duchy of Elfistania lies the Tower of the Mad Dwarf Queen Snipple! Do you, bold adventurers, dare face its many deadly traps and hordes of guardian beasts, brave the Furnace of Ablation, and calm the mad ravings of Snipple, all for the vast treasures found within?

Ok, ok, it’s not really a tower, much less one like you find in so many Fantasy games and stories. Sure looks like it could be, though.

It’s actually the Anaconda Smelter Stack, a large chimney for a smelter that was closed and demolished decades ago. The locals really liked the Stack, though, so they campaigned to save it. There’s a state park there now.

So I suppose you could go adventuring there if you wanted. But it’s a hollow tube, if an impressively large one. It was the world’s tallest chimney for nearly 50 years, after all.

It does have a lovely look of isolation, though. The industry that caused it to be built has long since faded back to grasslands. And it sits in a commanding place in the hills and mountains of the region. It draws the eye and the imagination.

Alas, there are no Mad Dwarf Queens hanging out in the area. As far as I know.


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