A Storm Avoided, A Sight to See

Photo #677: Cloud On The HorizonLocation Taken: Eastern Washington
Time Taken: October 2012

These days, it seems like I’m alternating between wanting to write overly elaborate posts and just putting up random pictures of, let’s say, clouds or something.

Don’t know what’s up with that.

Some of it is probably a sub-conscious anti-burnout thing. Coming up with something to write about each and every day actually requires a surprising amount of creativity. And sometimes, well, I just don’t have enough. So instead of pushing myself potentially too far, I take it easy for a day and let things regenerate.

It’s probably part of why I’ve been able to keep this whole daily posting thing up for so long. I’m closing in on 700 posts now, don’t you know? And I haven’t missed a day yet. I’m doing far better than the vast majority of blogs out there, who just put up a horde of posts right at the start, then fade away into “I know I haven’t posted in a while…” obscurity. I have no idea about how popular I am, mind you. Don’t fully want to know, either. In some ways its comforting to believe you’re just writing for your parents and a handful of other people who chanced upon this strange thing I create. Keeps the pressure low.

Hmmm… I seem to be in a self-analyzing mood today. And my goodness, isn’t that one of the most self-describing sentences ever? In order to notice you’re in a self-analyzing mood, you have to be analyzing yourself. It comes full circle.

And now I’m wandering into the delights of sentence structure, so to spare you further torment, I shall leave off here.


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