In Memory of What Was Once There, And of Those Left Behind

Photo #679: Forest RemainsLocation Taken: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Time Taken: October 2012

I’m running depressed. This happens occasionally, and since I know it’s just an imbalance in my brain chemicals, it actually doesn’t affect me too much. Mostly means I’ve got a general feeling of irritation at the state of the world and my life, and the complete lack of motivation to do anything about it. I’m running bored and uncreative and unproductive.

And, alas, in a touch of mourning. My guild in Guild Wars 2 has been fading for months, to the point where only a handful of people even signed in daily over the past few weeks, and today the guild leader decided to officially call it shut down. Which means I need to find another guild or something. I’d bemoan the loss of the people I’ve enjoyed spending time with, but they all wandered away already.

Ah well, it was a good run. Lots of fun, lots of adventures, lots of memories. And now it’s over.

My personal philosophy on grief is to focus not on the fact that it has ended, but on that it happened. So I shall go through my mourning rather quickly, and move on.

Which, alas, will mean trying to decide what guild to join and then, toughest of all for a social phobe like me, actually join it. Which, of course, means I’m going to procrastinate on it some, all under the guise of “researching the other guilds”. Of course, I’m going to do some actual research too…

Hmmm… Do I stand in Lion’s Arch and collect recruitment messages, or do I go to the various group events I enjoy and see who’s doing a really good job at leading them… Choices choices…


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