To The Misty Mountains High, Under Skies of Gray

Photo #682: Misty MountainLocation Taken: Near Banff, Alberta
Time Taken: June 2010

Sometimes the weather really is annoying for photographers.

For instance, this photo would be spectacular if the light wasn’t blurred out by the clouds. The composition, focus, everything else just works, but it’s all grayed out. That flat area of single-colored sky doesn’t help at all.

But if it was a clear day, or a less cloudy one for that matter, you’d lose two of the elements that make this photo compelling.

The misty cloud against the mountain, which draws the attention so well, it would burn off quickly in the sunlight.

And that intricate interplay of lights and darks on the road itself would fade as well. That’s caused by a thin layer of water, after all, which would also dry up fast in the sun. You’d be trading one flat gray plain for another.

This is the sort of thing that drives people to photoshop their pieces, isn’t it…


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