The Curse of the Introvert. Or is it a Blessing…

Photo #695: Calm BeachLocation Taken: Ruby Beach, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

Some days it’s really tough being an introvert. I mean, sure, I’m never truly lonely, and I think those marvelous long thoughts, but those times when I’m actually feeling social? I pay for it later.

I overdid it a bit yesterday. Hung out with all sorts of people online, for hours, and had fun the whole time. Definitely don’t regret spending my time that way.

Today, though, I need my alone time. I have a store of energy that gets drained when I socialize, and doing things on my own recharges it. But it does take time. I’ve been largely avoiding human contact today. I finished the book I was reading, started another one, spent some time with my dogs.

Oh, and a touch of meditation. Draining my socialization energy always makes me feel a bit off-center, and meditation is great for fixing that. It catches up all those loose parts of myself and tidies them up.

If I could, I’d go to a peaceful place, somewhere nature is in its full glory. Those are great for letting go of all the clinging worries of life. But I haven’t found a place near here for that, so I’m sticking to the areas I feel most comfortable. It works nearly as well.


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