Just sitting here staring at the scenery seems good right now…

Photo #696: Mellow TreesLocation Taken: Lake Superior Provincial Park, Ontario
Time Taken: June 2010

There’s a lot to be said for being mellow. It’s a very pleasant state of mind, and one you can keep up for a long time. It’s not like happiness, where the sheer joy can weigh on you after a while. Mellow just is, and is happy being so.

When you’re mellow, you can acknowledge all the stressors of life without really caring about them. The weight goes off your shoulders, and you are content with the state of the world. It may have all sorts of bad things in it, but right now, it is what it is, and what it is is pretty good.

There is one downside to being mellow, though. It’s an awful state of mind for being creative. That certain drive that pushes one forward is missing entirely. There’s a reason why many of the best artists were also the most tortured. It’s tough to say something meaningful about the world when your opinion about it is that it is.

I’d feel annoyed about that, but hey, I’m too mellow for that right now.


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