Rocks, Waterfalls, and Asiatic Themes makes a girl’s heart happy.

Photo #700: Waterfall GardenLocation Taken: Idaho Falls, Idaho
Time Taken: June 2010

I totally need a garden like this in my dream house. Waterfalls, rocks, Asian-themed statuary. It’s perfect.

Well, aside from the very utilitarian bridge in the background. That just doesn’t fit in.  And I’m not big on white, either.

…I really do have an imaginary “perfect house” tucked into the corner of my brain. Water features, rocks, and Asiatic styles play pretty heavily in it. So do large open rooms with moveable dividers. Needs to be somewhere that gets a lot of rain too. I wander into it and imagine different parts whenever I’m feeling lost in life.

This garden would fit right in…


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