Lone Birch on a Lonely Lake

Photo #738: Lone BirchLocation Taken: Ontario, Canada
Time Taken: June 2008

I’ve always like birch trees.  The elegant branches, the cheerful leaves, and above all, the white papery bark with black markings.  They stand out like friendly ghosts in the forest, among all their tall rough-barked neighbors.

It’s probably the fact that they were different that made me like them.  I’ve always had an affinity with the strange, which should be no surprise.  Conformity has never been a high priority for me, and I appreciate anything else that is truly different.

Mind you, that’s different in their own fashion, not just a pure opposition to the conformity.  Both the follower and the rebel are letting this decided-upon uniformity dictate their actions and appearance.  It’s the ones who dance to the beat of a different drummer that I am intrigued by.

…I may occasionally do exactly that, dance a little to music that only exists in my head.  And I do care for percussion-heavy pieces…


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