I Mourn for Lost Familiarity. ‘Tis a Sign of a Life Enjoyed.

Photo #745: Familar BridgeLocation Taken: Savage, Maryland
Time Taken: April 2012

It’s a bit odd to think I may never see this bridge again. It’s quite close to where I used to live. Not so close that I saw it every day, mind, but well within walking distance. Anytime I wanted, I could just put on my shoes and walk across it.

That’s one of the saddest things of moving away from someplace you’ve lived for a long time. All the familiar places, the daily sights and routines, they’re gone. Replaced by new ones, yes, but still. There is a simple beauty in the familiar.

Perhaps one day I shall return to this town. See this bridge again. Or perhaps I have seen it for the last time. It is that the last one is now a strong possibility that makes me thoughtful, and perhaps a touch morose tonight.


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