Man In The Fog

Photo #750: Man In The FogLocation Taken: Mount Saint Helens, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

I don’t normally post photos with people in them. I feel awkward taking them in the first place, unless it’s someone I know, and in that case it usually comes out too vacation-photo-esque for me to want to post it.

Here, though, it’s not obvious who it is in the photo and well, it seems to speak of something deeper.

The yellow rain jacket against the dense fog. The torn up trees and blasted earth. A bag holding who knows what being carried into the unknown, purposefully.

With the right caption, this could be a hundred different scenes.

One of them, mind you, is my Dad visiting the area affected by the Mount Saint Helens eruption, walking through the drizzle and fog, carrying one of his many bags full of all sorts of things, in this case including souvenirs. And maybe lunch.

Not quite as dramatic as some of the other options, like Last Person on the Planet, or Scientist on a Mission, but hey, that’s life.


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