Maybe they tried to write the whole name and ran out of rocks?

Photo #760: The Great TLocation Taken: Thermopolis, Wyoming
Time Taken: November 2012

Look! There, on the hill! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a giant T!

T for Thermopolis, of course.

It’s one of those trends that’s a bit baffling to someone who isn’t used to it but completely everyday to those who are.

For whatever reason (probably local pride), in American towns that happen to have a steep tree-less hill next to them, there is often a giant letter laid out on them. It’s the first letter of the town name, of course.

Now, I grew up in an area that didn’t have many big hills around, much less ones that weren’t covered with greenery on every inch of them. If you tried to lay out a big letter in, say, the Appalachians, you wouldn’t exactly be able to see it.

But the dry hills and mountains of the northern Rockies? The Wyoming-Idaho-Montana area? There’s a whole lot of good spots. And a whole lot of giant letters.

I wonder which town started the trend. And how often someone has to go up there and tidy up the rocks. And exactly how big some of these letters actually are, the ones visible a mile away…


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