The Most Deadly Beast of All (is not appearing in this post)

Photo #775: Deadly BeastLocation Taken: National Zoo, Washington DC
Time Taken: March 2010

You know what this world needs?

More velociraptors.

I’m sure you agree.

…You know, now that I think of it, I wonder if velociraptors left any descendent species. That stuff’s really tough to track, though. But who knows, this vain peacock could be a direct descendent of a viscous killing machine!

Not that real velociraptors were that bad. Jurassic Park took the name from one dinosaur and the looks of another and made movie magic with it. I don’t know which dinosaur they took the appearance and behavior from, I’ve never been a dinosaur buff and can’t keep all the names straight. But velociraptors were small dinosaurs, and feathered. About the size of this peacock, actually…


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