Their Landjaeger is just Marvelously Yummy…

Photo #781: Snow Covered SausagesLocation Taken: Frankenmuth, Michigan
Time Taken: January 2011

I’ve been staring blankly at my photos for far too long.


This little shop is Kern’s Sausage, a little German store and sausage shop found in a town full of little German sausage shops. My parents always stop here when we drive through, to buy their marvelous sausages.

Frankenmuth, Michigan, is a pretty little town. A large number of Bavarians settled in this one spot and kept up their traditions and decorative style. Which happened to draw tourists, so they kicked it up a few more notches. It’s quite different from most of the towns in the area, and home to a host of unusual shops.

Though perhaps the most unusual, and the best known, is Bronner’s, a year-round Christmas decorations shop. Seriously, if you wanted to buy ornaments in May, you can. I’m not sure who does, but the store is gigantic, and they have billboards up states away. Obviously they’re doing something right. Me, I’ve never cared for the decorating side of Christmas enough to even stop.

I’d rather buy sausages.


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