The Sights You See!

Photo #783: Little FallsLocation Taken: Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Washington
Time Taken: June 2008

I rode my bike today!

Went along the local bike trail, for about 2.25 miles one way, 4.5 round trip. I stopped at the top of the largest hill along it, after struggling my way up it. That’s where I turned around, for the very simple reason that if I continued, I’d have to climb that hill twice.

But it’s a lovely trail, with all sorts of scenic views. There’s a lovely creek, and a marvelous lake, and all sorts of high-tech industrial buildings and parking lots!

Ok, so it’s also a commuter route. But that didn’t make that lake any less beautiful.

And I saw all sorts of ducks and geese and no less than three rabbits! I had to stop once to encourage a bunch of Canadian Geese to waddle off the trail. Half the group was goslings still in the downy plumage of youth, and their parents were hissing at me at the affront of my wanting to pass. But at least they did move.

There’s also a number of nice bridges along the way. Quite picturesque, I do say. Didn’t see any waterfalls, though. Those are always my favorite thing to find. Though there was this one overgrown area where I did hear what could have been one…


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