The Greatest Microfort Ever Built

Photo #795: MicrofortLocation Taken: Cahokia, Illinois
Time Taken: November 2012

Look, we’ve got a good start on this fort.

Nice job on packing the posts together tightly, Simmons. That’ll hold against any of the animals we keep hearing.

And Jones? Fantastic work on the bindings. That’s top-quality work there. They won’t come apart for decades, I’d say.

Ah, of course, couldn’t forget Fitzgerald, who did a marvelous job cutting all the logs the exact same length. And it only took you, what, an hour per log? Impressive!

Now, team, it’s getting dark out. Where did we set up the beds again? I’m not seeing them. And did we finish the kitchen yet? Ah well, I’m sure we’ll be fine tonight!


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